Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Work in Progress

At the end of July I decided to take a break from my full-time job. It had become too stressful and made it difficult on my health, especially since I'm still trying to recover from my motorcycle accident back in November of last year. This extra time is allowing me the freedom to do several things.
First is to get healthy again. I'm been doing physical therapy non-stop since the accident, and I've come a long ways. But working full-time made it difficult to do those exercises each day. Now I'm doing them daily and it's making a difference. Hopefully I can get back my full range of motion. I know I'll never be completely pain free, but being able to do the things I love, like riding again and playing tennis, are major goals I plan to accomplish.
Next is working around the house. Part of the the rehab is to do chores at home that require physical activity. One of the projects is re-doing our front yard. I've been working on it a little at a time, with Kim and Dakota's help, and hopefully in the next two weeks it will be complete. Once done it will be a vast improvement on the dead grass that isn't meant to grow in Colorado soil. I will post pictures when it's finished.
And thirdly, is writing. I've been working on the next Jarvis Mann PI novel daily. Title is "The Front Range Butcher" where he goes up against a gruesome serial killer. There are several other plot lines is this story, that will lead into the next book, tentatively titled "Mann in the Middle". Jarvis will be going up against a new foe, a man we saw short glimpses of in the short story "The Case of the Invisible Souls". I'm 55k words into the story, so I'm about half-way through the first draft. If all goes well, the hope is this novel will be ready by later this year or early next year. I will keep you posted.
In the meantime be sure the tell all your friends about the Jarvis Mann Series and direct them to this website. Anyone who signs up will receive a free eBook version of the first Jarvis Mann PI novel "Tracking A Shadow". And be sure you check out the latest short story "The Case of the Invisible Souls". Reaction and reviews have been great. I plan on talking a little bit about it in my next blog post, as the story covers an important subject, homeless veterans.
Thanks for reading. I hope everyone is enjoying summer, as fall is on the horizon.