Monday, March 10, 2014

Finding time to write

One of the biggest issues when you work full-time and have a family is finding time to write. Even more challenging for me as I find it difficult to write while other people are around, either in the same room or coming in to ask me something. I really need to isolate myself to be able to concentrate properly on what I'm doing; no TV or music on, no coming in to ask me something and no dog wanting my attention. Once I get a thought process in place and that flow is interrupted it's hard to get it back. Another concern is I'm ignoring my family while writing. The largest amount of time I have open to write is on weekends, for its difficult during the work week as I'm mentally too tired. The weekend is for spending time with loved ones, doing fun things together and recharging for the next work week. So it's finding that open hour or two each day to write that can hold me back from completing the task. Where does everyone find the time, motivation and inspiration to write?


  1. I totally get you Jarvis. I work full time and write and it is hard. My desk is also in my bedroom so often Hubby will need to come in and out for various things, especially on a weekend. The kids come in and want to have DM's and you know you have to stop and listen because they are your kids. I write from about 8.30pm to 10.30pm every night (when DMs are not commencing) as my youngest is in bed by then and the older ones are already settled into doing their own things. I wear noise cancelling headphones but I do listen to music, which ends up as white noise as I write. I have to otherwise I get distracted by every noise, conversation, phone ringing etc. I check my emails in my lunch hour and do my social media stuff/blogging on the weekends if I can. I can't say I have the balance right yet and I doubt if there ever is a perfect balance.

    1. Life is always a balance and you are right it will never be perfect. If only there were more hours in the day or we could go without sleep! In the end it is hard but totally worth it. Good luck to you...

  2. Some of your concerns are what I aso experience. It's not easy balancing writing and other activities that one must be involved in. I had to do some serious rescheduling to divide my time for writing, family and other interests. It does not always work depending on an assignment, but is a vast improvement that has helped me.

    1. I'm glad you've found what works for you. I'm still searching. I wish I could be in a position to quit my job and write full time. That is my dream.
